Otosclerosis – Progressive hearing loss
Otosclerosis is hereditary disease that causes progressive hearing loss. It affects about 10% of the population but a much smaller proportion has symptoms. It usually appears in both ears and is more common to women (70%) compared to men (30%).
In most cases it starts between the ages of 20 and 30 and rarely in childhood or adolescence. Symptoms can be exacerbated in female patients during pregnancy. In addition to hearing loss that worsens over time (progressive), the most common and often annoying symptom is tinnitus, and some patients report that their hearing ability is better in noisy environments.
Progressive hearing loss
Hearing loss due to otosclerosis is one of the few cases of hearing loss that can be treated surgically.
If the hearing loss is not severe, the patient is simply monitored by a specialist at regular intervals while on the other hand, if the situation is severe, a surgery must be performed to replace the affected part of the ear (usually the stirrup bone).
In cases where surgery is not possible, hearing aids can be fitted.